Tiny Tots.
Ultimate Puppy Pamper Package.
Its really important to start grooming puppies from a young age, the earlier you start the the more likely your puppy will get used to being groomed. Puppies should ideally be introduced from 12 weeks of age once they have had their vaccinations. We can give you lots of tips on introducing the grooming process to your pup at home too.
Its advised that you bring them to us for a short free visit so they can get used to the sounds and smells and get lots of yummy treats and cuddles, so they see the salon as a positive place to come.
Upon there second visit, this is when we will start to take the time to bath them, brush them and give them a little trim and clip their nails, with lots of gentle introductions, treats and breaks to minimize stress.
It normally takes a few puppy sessions to get them used to the grooming process and make them more comfortable in the salon.
Coming Soon.
New things on the way…. to make your pups stay with us more enjoyable!
“Before you get a dog, you can’t quite imagine what living with one might be like; afterward, you can’t imagine living any other way.”
– Caroline Knapp