All of our favourite dog companies in one place.
Simply click on the logo’s to get on their awesome pages!
Forest Dog Academy Ltd.
For all types of training, including puppy classes using positive training methods only. Also host fun agility days as well.
Website: www.forestdogacademy.com
Phone: 07709614743
Love Phodography.
Helen Rushton - AWARD WINNING - absolutely amazing photographer and lovely person! She captures the dogs personality so well and she does more than dogs too!
Website: www.helenrushtonphotography.co.uk/dogs Phone: 07866440740
FB: @Lovephodography.
Ollie & Co.
For all natural, cruelty free and vegan friendly shampoo’s, conditioner’s, freshening sprays, balms etc, and also collars, leads, treats & more!
Website: www.ollieandcoengland.com
Nathans Paw Trails.
Nathan's Paw Trails - Lovely guy and team offering a range of pet care services, dog walking, dog training and more - in most of Southampton, chandlers ford, eastleigh, north baddesley area.
Website: www.nathanpawtrails.co.uk
Phone: 07931 138360
Instagram/FB: @nathanspawtrails
Healthy Pet Store.
For a huge range of holistic dog products, from natural flea/worming to calming to joint problems, plus a range of interactive toys, collars, leads and treat bags & more… plus a HUGE range of raw dog food.
Website: www.healthypetstore.co.uk
Phone: 02380868598
Address: 27 Salisbury Road Arcade, Salisbury Road, Totton, Southampton, SO40 3SG
Copied Hall Kennels.
Bespoke Boarding Kennels, similar to doggy day care, perfect for sociable dogs! All dogs, social or not, are accepted. They also get walked twice a day in a SECURE field and have lots of enrichment activities. MUST HAVE ALL VACCINATIONS INC KENNEL COUGH!
Website: www.copiedhallkennels.com
Phone: 02380814363
Address: Copied Hall Farm, Winsor Road, Southampton, SO40 2HE
FB/Instagram: @copiedhallkennels
Harbour Hounds.
Practical and nautically stylish products for dogs. Inspired by the fun and beauty of coastal living. Harbour Hounds has everything you and your four-pawed pal need for a great day out at the beach or on the water, or simply for life in general. They sell REALLY awesome drying robes too!
Barking Bags.
Literally the best in dog walking bags! They are so spacious and they have thought of everything! There is space for poo bags, clips for water bowls, clickers and water bottles, as well as handy treat pouch! They can go over your shoulder or on to a belt… I can fit all of Bailey’s meds in as well as space for my purse, phone and keys!
Website: https://barkingbags.co.uk/
Facebook: @barkingbooks
Edition Dog Magazine.
My all time favourite dog magazine! The only one in the UK that talks about all things holistic, natural and positive! (All the things I love in the dog world, except of course, dogs!) I have been a member since the first issue, and have learnt so much and the paths I wish to make on my dog business journey.
Website: https://editiondog.com/
Facebook: @editiondogmagazine
Animal Love Pet First Aid.
Sophie Bell - Practical and online training courses taught and designed by a fully qualified vet, she also has a slightly more holistic approach than your average vet as well. Reasonably priced, fantastic and in-depth courses for both businesses and owners. She also sells fab first aid kits and items too! She’s also really lovely and will answer any questions you may have as well.
Website: www.animallovepetfirstaid.co.uk
FB: @Animallovepetfirstaid
Romsey Paws Park.
Exclusive hire of a secure field to peacefully exercise your dog - an acre of fenced grassland well away from roads and other people. Book online £10/hour.
Website: www.romseypawspark.simplybook.it/v2/
Address: Shelley Oaks Farm, Romsey, SO51 6AS
Facebook: @romseypawspark
Paws@brooklyn are stockists for all your gundog and Pet training needs, supplying Dog&Field and Sporting Saint products ensuring the best quality equipment for any stage of training.
Website: https://pawsbrooklyn.com/?fbclid=IwAR3Of7E-f9i429tkV1mZs-9g_ifpUoNUkJ9Sskw48HuZ5f04gfkGArbJ3rk
Facebook: @Pawsatbrooklyn
RADS Doggy Delights.
Roxie, Archie and Dave’s Doggie Delights! UK supplier of dog treats. Delicious, natural goodness! Made by humans, tested by dogs. Located in Romsey!
Website: http://www.radsdoggiedelights.com/
Phone: 07498 310135
Email: radsdoggiedelights@gmail.com
Great & Small Canine Massage.
New Forest based mobile Clinical Canine Massage Therapist. Can visit you and your dog in your own home whereby they will conduct an in depth analysis prior to conducting a 40-45 minute massage.
Only work with veterinary consent, ensuring that your dog is receiving appropriate treatment. Result can generally be seen after conducting only 1-3 treatments.
Website: http://www.greatandsmallmassage.co.uk/
Phone: 07889 607360
Email: greatandsmallmassage@gmail.com
4 Paws Hydrotherapy.
Canine hydrotherapy pool, used for health conditions, post op care and also just for fun! Bailey loves the treadmill even though he hates water - but its a great thing for fun and health without being too stressful on the body. They also do physiotherapy and laser therapy
Phone: 01425 471759